Travels took us to Florida this summer. This trip included many “firsts” for our family. We experienced our first Airbnb stay in a cottage on a farm outside of St. Augustine. On the farm we encountered many critters, the first of which was a guinea hen Mattie spotted the moment she jumped from the car. Turkeys, rabbits, birds, and ducks made this a spectacular sensory experience for Trooper and Mattie. The most fun we had was on the first morning when the dogs were ready for their walk at 5:30. Greeting us in the dark, as we exited the screened in porch, was one of the free-roaming donkeys on the farm. Other adventures on this trip included a visit to the Fountain of Youth, strolling shops, a visit to the Spanish Military Muesum, a trip to the beach, and many dining experiences. St. Augustine is the most dog friendly town we’ve ever visited. is a wonderful site for researching dog-friendly places in any city you wish to visit. Please check out some of the most memorable photos from our trip. Click on each thumbnail photo to see the entire photograph.
- Good Morning, Donkey!
- First Beach Trip!
- Beach time!
- Come on….Finish eating so we can get to the beach!
- Fountain of Pooch at the Fountain of Youth!
- The indoor planetarium at The Fountain of Youth. Yes, air conditioning!
- We were chilling during the cannon demonstration.
- I love grass!
- Most birds take flight when they see us coming!
- This is how we like to ride in the RV.
- Do you see what I see?
- The sandhill cranes love camping, too!
- I see you!
- Our favorite shop could count on us to empty their water bowl!
- Lots of fun exercise equipment in the dog walk area at John Prince Campground, Lake Worth, FL