Mattie and Trooper are brittany spaniels. These fur faces are known as bird dogs. While birds are their specialty, they certainly don’t turn their backs on the opportunity to stalk a chipmunk, squirrel, cat, mouse, butterfly, or any other delightful creature out there. In the camper photo, both spotted a cat last weekend while we were camping at High Falls State Park. The close up photo of Mattie was taken hours later. She was sitting in Bobbi’s lap but her attention was 100% on the area where she spotted the cat that morning. When hiking around Black Rock Mountain Lake earlier this summer, Trooper and Mattie came across the ducks on the rock. Those birds were not flustered at all by the presence of the kiddos! Of course, those ducks can read….notice the sign to the right of the dogs!
Cat Alert!
Mattie…keeping a serious eye out for critters.
Duck a l’orange for dinner tonight?