Vogel State Park

In an effort to find cooler temperatures, we headed to the mountains to camp at Vogel State Park.  The park was packed as many others had the same idea we did!  We spent time hiking and cooling off in the beautiful stream. 

Happy Independence Day!

The four of us spent the holiday at Four Paws Kingdom in Rutherfordton, NC. While Bobbi and Charles have visited several times, this was Mattie and Trooper’s first camping trip. We had tons of fun participating in a doggy 4th of July parade, swimming, running in the dog parks, participating in the best doggy contests, and sleeping in the truck camper. Check out a few of our favorite photos from the trip.




What Does Friendship Look Like?

Mattie Has a Brother!

Hello!  We would like to introduce you to Trooper, Mattie’s new brother.  We met Trooper a few weeks ago at the No Place Like Home Kennel when we stopped by with Mattie for a visit.  While we weren’t planning on adding a second dog right away, he is a great match for our family!  Trooper is almost 11 months old and loves to run and play with toys like Mattie.  Both dogs could pass for siblings as they are similar in size and have mostly white bodies.  We are looking forward to many adventures in the years to come with our two furry family members.  We hope all is well with you and your families!


Brittany Friends

Mattie had a play date today with a new brittany friend who was visiting No Place Like Home.  Mattie and her new friend could have passed for siblings!  Both are small for brittanys and their orange coloring is mostly on their heads and tails.  They were so cute together!


Hello New Friend!


Where’s Mattie?

Mattie is enjoying hunting in the woods.  Do you recall the Where’s Waldo books?  These are the Where’s Mattie photos!  Click on the pictures for a closer look.

No Leash! (640x360)Where's Mattie (640x360)

Introducing Mattie Sassy Star!

Please join us in welcoming our newest family member….Mattie Sassy Star…a.k.a just Mattie!  Mattie is a 3 yr. 10 mo. old brittany spaniel.  She came to us from the great state of New York.  While Mattie is a small for a brittany, she makes up for it with her energy and spunk!  Mattie started her life in Virginia as a hunting dog.  She was loved and lived in an outdoor kennel on her owner’s farm.  Sadly, her owner became ill and was no longer able to hunt with Mattie.  He decided to have the National Brittany Rescue find her a new home.  Mattie went to a wonderful foster home in New York to learn how to be an indoor doggy.  Through a network of volunteers along the east coast, Mattie was transported to us in Georgia.



Taking a dip at the dog park...

Taking a dip at the dog park…

Belly Rub Please!

Belly Rub Please!

Checking out my aunt's pool.  Can you tell I love water?

Checking out my aunt’s pool. Can you tell I love water?